About Tara Murphy

Hi! I'm Tara. I earned both my undergraduate and Master's degrees from The University of Tennessee Knoxville and I'm a Licensed Professional Counselor with mental health service provider designation in Chattanooga, TN. I have years of experience working in various mental health settings including inpatient psychiatric hospital, community mental health clinic, and private practice.  I’m a mama (two amazing teenagers), wife, daughter, sister, friend, karaoke enthusiast, true crime junkie, lover of travel, mid-40’s woman just taking it day by day. You may wonder how I can empathize with my clients.  Well, the truth is, I get it because I'm going through many of the same things.  Of course, I haven't walked your specific path.  You are the expert on you and what is best for your life. I try not to give too much advice, pressure, or judge.  My role is to listen and try to understand, reflect, and offer new perspectives and ideas. I truly find great fulfillment and reward when a client allows me into their world and I'm able to help them through a dark time.  If you think we might be a good match, I’d love to help.  Call for a free 10-min. consultation (423-397-5551) or request an appt. by email below.

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I will try my best to accommodate your request and will be in touch ASAP.

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