Let's get started

I understand that no two people are the same.  We all have different needs and comfort zones and work through things in our own time. As such, I try provide therapy that meets the specific needs of each individual client. Whether you are struggling with anxiety, depression, grief, life transition or most any other issue, I can help. I will assist you in: recognizing underlying issues, fully realizing your strengths, and adjusting harmful thought and behavior patterns so you can cope with whatever is thrown at you in a healthier happier way.

Common Issues My Clients Face:

Caregiver Stress/Caring for Parents or Adult Children

Your parent(s) are aging and starting to decline. They took care of you and now it's your turn to care for them. It can be sad and scary when roles are reversed and you have to start parenting your parents. How do you tell your dad he can no longer drive or explain to your mom she can't go on living in her own home? These situations are extremely hard and to make matters worse, caregivers are often criticized or verbally abused for trying to help. Memories fade and bodies break down.  People we love die, but often we start losing them little by little long before.  This can be even more stressful when you are still taking care of children at the same time!  You might have a child with special needs and you're watching all their peers reach milestones your child isn't even close to yet.  Sometimes, your child is dealing with their own mental or physical problems and you're dealing with a "failure to launch" situation.  No matter the specific issue, when your kids are hurting or falling short, you feel the pain.

Menopause/Mid-life "crisis"

You might have reached a time in your life when you start thinking, "what the heck is happening to me?" You went through puberty ages ago, but now once again everything is changing. Menopause in women and lower testosterone in men can make you feel like a complete stranger in your own body. In fact, this stage of life is often called the second adolescence. Activities that use to be so easy suddenly start to take more effort and require a longer recovery. All of this change can be very hard to accept. Often people start to feel invisible, like the world doesn't really see them anymore. Your relationships, self-image, physical health, and mental health can all be affected.  You might even be wondering if the best part of your life is over.  I can help you really get to know yourself again and find new interests and passions to explore. Mid-life doesn't have to be a crisis.  If you face it head on, it can be a transformation and rite of passage into the best version of you!

Empty Nest

Adjusting to an empty nest is no joke! Your whole world has revolved around parenting for the last 18+ years. When your babies leave the nest, you are likely to feel happy and excited for them yet completely broken-hearted. Your identity feels threatened. They don't need you as much or in the same ways anymore and now you don't know who you really are or what your purpose is anymore. You are probably proud and relieved that your kids are more independent and finding their own way in life. At the same time, you are likely struggling with sadness, grief and emptiness because you don't get to be as much a part of their day to day lives.  I get it because I'm going through it too!  Let me help you find your way through this very difficult transition and on to your new normal.


Has your life completely changed due to the death of a loved one?  Grief/Bereavement for someone you care about is so complicated because until you experience it yourself, you don't know how it's gonna feel or how you will cope.  Everyone experiences loss differently.  It's very personal and healing is not linear.  It's one of those things you can't get around or skip over, you have to go through it.  Actually, I shouldn't say you go "through" it because that implies there is an end to your grief.  There are some losses we never really get "through" but the pain changes and can become more manageable for sure. Many people have an especially hard time with grief because family and friends might have unrealistic expectations for how you should be coping and for how long you should be hurting.  Well-meaning people in your life often say and do the exact wrong things when they are trying to comfort you.  It's important to talk through this type of pain to try to find meaning and set realistic expectations for yourself.  


We all know that relationships can be really challenging to say the least.  Sometimes passion fades, people change, and you just grow apart. You may be looking at your spouse/partner and thinking "you don't even know who I am anymore." Sometimes there is a hurt so deep, the relationship is forever changed and it can't be overcome. On the flip side, many relationships just need a little tune up to strengthen their communication, trust, and commitment before they can live "happily ever after." Nobody goes into a marriage anticipating eventual divorce or separation, but sometimes despite our best efforts, we find ourselves there. Many couples question their compatibility and commitment at times. Often there is tremendous guilt, anger, sadness and shame to work through. You may work it out or decide to go your separate ways.  I'm here for you either way because...well, it's complicated.  

Inspirational Quotes

"Life really does begin at 40. Up until then you are just doing research" 

Carl Jung

"If nothing ever changed, there'd be no butterflies"


"Don't let the prospect of change scare you as much as the prospect of remaining unhappy."


"if you don't like the path you're walking, start paving another one."

Dolly Parton

"Be confused, it's where you begin to learn new things. Be broken, it's where you begin to heal. Be frustrated, it's where you start to make more authentic decisions. Be sad, because if we are brave enough we can hear our heart's wisdom through it. Be whatever you are right now. No more hiding. You are worthy, always."


You don't have to be sick to get better!

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